Spring Fling Speed Festival, April 16th, 2020, WSIR

This is looking to be a record year. Many projects coming off the Jack Stands for this, people traveling in from great distances. Many Vintage cars as well as new cars.
Wednesday, April 15th,  2 pm Arrive for BBQ, RV and overnight camping, meet other drivers, see participant cars.
Thursday, April 16th, Track Day, Gates open 7:00, breakfast available, 0830 MANDATORY Drivers Meeting, (Required by all drivers, no exceptions- Dont become a spectator.) 0900 Class room for newbies and others, Expert Track Day drivers on track. 1200-1300 Lunch, Drag Racing. 1300 Afternoon track Day resumes, 1700 Finish. 1800 Dinner at Guido’s at the Hanger, 401 Knox Ave, Rosamond, Ca, 93560

Wednesday the day before will be an arrival day and BBQ. Come hang out and enjoy the track with fellow drivers before the busy track day starts.

Send payment now to reserve a spot at a discounted rated of $275 now through Fed 1, 2020.  Regular price is $325
Convertibles must have pop-ups, or fixed 4 point roll bar. Call track if you need more info or have questions.
No Passengers, track rule.
Helmet required.
No Refunds after March 21, 2020.